Green It Up
Green It Up

Green It Up

We’ll admit it, we weren’t always the greenest. And we used to love glass cleaning solutions, particularly the big famous one. Nothing made us happier than spraying our windows, shower doors, glass tabletops and mirrors and wiping them down with a roll of fresh paper towels. Streak-free and beautiful, our moods immediately shifted. Happy day.

Then, we learned about forest devastation, resource depletion, the chemical compounds that destroy our earth little by little, or really, lot by lot. And we never looked back.

But we did spend a long time exploring different methods to clean glass and mirrors the green way without leaving behind streaks and debris. First, we ditched the paper towels. There was no reason to use them and infinite replacements – reusable cloths (particularly made from biodegradable, renewable resources like bamboo and cellulose) and reusable plant-based towels (like our Tough Sheet!). Then we tried better solutions made by sustainable businesses who use plant-based products, we tried vinegar and soda water, and then we decided to try regular old soap and water. And you know what we discovered? It works. The other products did too, but castile soap and water are green and simple and when you wash the soap off and follow the wet swipe with a dry towel, streak-free. That’s the thing we realized – that the streaks were from residue leftover on the surfaces.

That was our first big aha! moment, where we realized that you can make any cleaning routine green. And you can start with levels, meet yourself where you are at, so to speak. Ditch the paper towels, step back from plastic sponges and brushes, and choose your own solution. It’s as easy as that.

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