Organized Chaos

The day before Thanksgiving is widely known as the busiest travel day of the year. Nobody actually wants to have to fly that day but for many of us, it’s the only option if we’re not able to miss work or take the kids out of school early. But it can be mayhem. You have to get to the airport even earlier, deal with longer lines, longer waits, and thus, a longer journey. Adding to the insanity is trying to keep track of everyone else’s things — your partner, your kids, your own.
We’ve developed an easy tip to keep everyone occupied and on top of their own belongings! Assign each person a set of Ziptucks and give each one a different print. There’s something for everyone and the Ziptucks can handle all of the accouterments that accompany flight travel — one for liquids (they’re clear so they’re TSA-friendly!), one for snacks (and nobody can complain here that someone else ate their chips!), one for games/electronics or chargers (easy cord storage!). Save a pattern-less one for yourself to manage all passports and travel documents, this helps them stay safe and avoid being spilled on or damaged.
So organize and pack your team up and task them with keeping track of their own belongings. “Hey, whose goldfish are these?” Well, who had the cactus pattern? Easy!