- Our most abrasive scrubber
- Sold as a set of 2 & set of 6
- Scour pad scrubs, then sponge wipes clean
- Plant-based | Free of Triclosan and other harsh chemicals
- 4.75" x 3” x 0.4” | 10.7cm x 7.62cm x 1.77cm
Cellulose, Certified Recycled Plastic & Natural Coconut Husk
Our most abrasive scrubber combined with a natural cellulose sponge. No Triclosan. Great island scent!

We’re honored to be in your home, and promise to make ourselves useful. Not to mention sustainable, reusable, recycled and recyclable, even shareable, compostable, and occasionally huggable. Because we’re totally committed to the home you live in, and the one we live on.

Products like this do best with a thorough wash in warm, soapy water. Just let it dry thoroughly before using and you’ll be ready to go.