🧽You Have To Start Somewhere
🧽You Have To Start Somewhere

🧽You Have To Start Somewhere

When we watched Greta Thunberg moved to tears during her speech at the UN Climate Action Summit, we were moved too. For a lot of reasons. Because what she says is true about the science behind climate change (which means we are running. out. of. time.) and also because here she is (a kid!) and she seems to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. But she shouldn’t have to. This is our planet. And just as we all have a hand in its current challenges, we can (and should) all have a hand in its survival. And it’s easier than you think!

Full Circle is gearing up to kickoff a nationwide movement to encourage everyone to make small changes towards everyday smarter living. What do we mean by smarter living? We mean making choices that reduce our impact on the planet by bettering ourselves and our habits. And it really is easier than it sounds. So, we’d like to share with you three simple things to think about as you begin to consider how you can make small changes in your life.

First things first: plastic is permanent. Isn’t it ironic that diamonds have a similar slogan? Diamonds are forever. Diamonds are also 1) a natural resource, and 2) a finite one. Plastic’s permanent presence on our planet isn’t quite as lovely. As neither a natural nor finite resource, we can propagate polymer until the cows come home. But you’re not wearing a plastic engagement ring or a plastic set of earrings, and if you are, you’re wearing them until they get shuffled off into a landfill where they will live forever. Think about that -- forever. As in, until the end of time.

Remember to start small. . You’re not going to eliminate plastic from your life in one fell swoop or delete your carbon footprint in a day. And this isn’t about solving the climate crisis all on your own but about looking at your daily life to see where you can make small changes that will lead to new habits. Things like, bringing a reusable coffee cup anytime you buy a cup of coffee, or swearing off plastic straws (paper, hay, glass, metal, there are options out there!), carpooling or taking public transportation or bike riding, even using rechargeable batteries. Because small things add up to big things.

This is about the long haul. Somehow, word got around that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Many scientists disagree with this contending that it’s actually closer to 66 days. But here’s the truth: it doesn’t matter. What matters is that everyday we continue to work towards building better habits. If we do that, then 21 or 66 are just numbers that we’ll pass by on our journey towards better living.

We all want to do our best, and this is about taking the first step towards doing that. Because the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step (Lao Tzu). So let’s get moving.

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