Surprise! You're homeschooling!
Do What Works
Don’t try and force anything. Kids and adults are all going through immense changes and adjustment periods right now. Just because one thing may work for your neighbor, doesn’t mean it’ll work for your child.
Make A Schedule
One of the hardest parts of this new normal is the complete lack of structure. Setting a routine will help your whole family feel like there is some normalcy and structure at a time when there feels like there is none.
Divide and Conquer
Organize and section off schoolwork into different piles. Tight due dates? Tackle those first. New concepts or difficult assignments? Do those at a time when you can be a direct help. Easier or fun assignments? Save those for the end of the day! Your time is precious, make sure you’re putting your teacher-time to the best use. Let your child work independently when they can, but be sure to be there for them if they need it!
Take Breaks
This is a stressful time! There is no right or wrong way to tackle every day. If you need to take a break to run around, take it! If you need to put on a movie for the kids while you take a conference call, no sweat. Playing in the yard, riding bikes, and letting your children use their imagination is also a learning experience.
Accept It
Life is weird right now, but we have to learn to accept that. Learning and schooling are going to look different for a while, and that's ok. Don’t feel like you need to replicate an entire day of school at home, every day. Some days may be filled with learning and projects, some days may be filled with tears and stress, and others with playing. That’s ok!
Have fun!
Our co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Heather Kauffman, has been doing junk art as a fun and educational break with her two kids. Check it out below!